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Path: cix.compulink.co.uk!uknet!mcsun!news.funet.fi!polaris!jounsmed
From: jounsmed@polaris.utu.fi (Jouni Smed)
Newsgroups: alt.out-of-body
Subject: The OOBE-FAQ (Part 1 of 2)
Summary: Frequently Asked Questions
Keywords: The OOBE-FAQ
Message-ID: <C5BvB4.HzA@polaris.utu.fi>
Date: 11 Apr 93 16:33:03 GMT
Organization: University of Turku
Lines: 911
8<---- Part 1 -- Cut! ---- Cut! ---- Cut! ---- Cut! ---- Cut! -- Part 1 ---->8
OOBE-FAQ, Apr-11-1993
Frequently Asked Questions
Welcome to alt.out-of-body, a newsgroup dedicated to discussion of the nature
and reality of the out-of-the-body experiences.
I'd like to express my gratitude to Senthil Kumar for doing the initial version
of this FAQ and supporting my work. Many thanks also to everyone who have sent
me feedback, your propositions and suggestions are taken into consideration (in
one way or another ;).
I have tried to keep attributions to authors in this FAQ as accurate as
possible when available. In many cases however, the name of the original poster
has been lost. I have corrected typos and other errors as I come across them
but some slip through, nevertheless.
If you have any suggestions, additions, corrections, or comments, please feel
free to send me electronic mail. I can be reached at: jounsmed@utu.fi
0. Index
1. Introduction
1.1. Recommendations
1.2. Starting points for OOBE's
1.2.1. Dreams
1.2.2. Relaxation
1.2.3. Sleep
1.3. Terms, acronyms and abbreviations
2. Steps to achieve an OOBE
2.1. Relaxation
2.1.1. Borderland sleep state
2.1.2. Auto-hypnosis
2.1.3. Meditation
2.1.4. Progressive muscular relaxation
2.1.5. The built-in relaxation mechanism
2.1.6. Chakra meditation
2.2. Typical physical manifestations
2.2.1. Vibrations
2.2.2. Paralysis
2.2.3. Voices
2.2.4. Fear
2.3. "I think I am relaxed. Now what?"
2.3.1. Lift-out technique
2.3.2. Rotation technique
2.3.3. Visualization technique
2.3.4. Guided imagery
2.3.5. Body of light
2.3.6. Strong willing
2.3.7. The Monroe techniques
3. During the OOBE
3.1. Spirit guides and other entities
3.2. Travelling
3.3. "Are there any dangers in OOBE?"
4. More theory
4.1. Lucid dreaming
4.1.1. "If you are lucid, can you control the dream?"
4.1.2. "How do you have lucid dreams?"
4.1.3. "How to prevent yourself from awakening?"
4.1.4. "What's the connection between dreams, LD's and OOBE's?"
4.2. Death, near-death-experiences and OOBE
4.3. Projections
4.3.1. Ether-projections
4.3.2. Astral-projections
4.3.3. Mental-projections
4.3.4. Summary
4.4. States of consciousness
4.5. The effects of electromagnetic fields
4.6. "Has the reality of OOBE been verified officially?"
4.7. Misbeliefs, prejudices, problems, etc.
4.8. Further information via Internet
4.9. Unanswered asked questions
5. Books on OOBE
1. Introduction
Out of the body experience (OOBE, astral projection, travelling clairvoyance)
is a popular area of occult literature; for traveling to see other worlds and
places while the physical body sleeps or is entranced is an exciting notion.
Astral projection is not dangerous. It is as safe as sleeping. Most dreams are
probably unconscious astral projections, anyway. Although there has been quite
a bit written on the subject, OOBE is difficult for many people. The main
difficulty is the tendency to forget dream consciousness upon awakening.
Accordingly, the successful practice of astral projection requires work.
Modern psychology discounts the idea of actual OOBE (that the spirit
temporarily vacates the physical body). However, the idea is very ancient. The
Tibetans have an entire system of yoga (dream yoga) based upon astral
projection. And here we have an important assumption: you are involved in an
OOBE (at least to a degree) whenever you dream. What sets it apart from a full
OOBE is your hazy consciousness during the experience and poor recall
afterwards. Many people forget most of their dreams completely. Learning astral
projection requires a kind of inner mental clarity and alertness.
1.1. Recommendations
Diet -- Certain dietary practices may aid in OOBE, especially at first. These
include fasting, vegetarianism, and in general the eating of 'light' foods.
Carrots and raw eggs are thought to be especially beneficial, but all nuts are
to be avoided. Over-eating should be avoided. And no food should be eaten just
before an OOBE attempt. If you intend to practice during sleep, for example,
allow 2 to 4 hours of no food or drink (except water) before bedtime. In
general, we see here the same kind of dietary restrictions advocated for
kundalini yoga.
Yoga and breath -- Yoga, mantra, and breathing exercises similarly aim at
physical relaxation. The practice of kundalini yoga is particularly relevant,
since it is concerned with altered consciousness. In fact the arousal of
kundalini requires a similar state of consciousness to OOBE.
An open mind -- Think how nice it would be to learn something new and to
explore new worlds!
1.2. Starting points for OOBE's
Most methods of astral projection are methods of conditioning. Some form of
trance or altered consciousness is always involved. No one ever projects
consciously while fully awake (some may think that they do). Although there are
many techniques used to produce an astral projection, which are described in
section 2, they all sort of overlap. Although all these techniques may appear
straightforward, they all require effort. Astral projection is generally
learned. There are three starting points for OOBE's:
(from: Josef Puhringer)
1.2.1. Dreams
This section divides into two categories
a) Lucid Dreams: If you know that you're dreaming you can go wherever you
wish. (See section 4.1.)
b) "Dream Guiding": This was invented by Muldoon. It bases on the old theory
that there is a connection between some special kind of dreams (if you are
flying, falling, driving a car, using a lift, ...) and OOBE's. You create
such a dream (classical: moving upward in a lift) and then visualize this
dream while falling asleep and in the right becomes fully awake and you're
out of your body now. You've imagined these dreams many times before.
1.2.2. Relaxation
You relax your body and mind while lying down and "forget" to feel your body --
and then it should be easy to leave the physical body with special tricks. (See
section 2.1.)
1.2.3. Sleep
You use a need (sex doesn't work!) you have or you do something so often that
you can't live without doing it. Then you suggest to yourself to awaken at a
certain place you'll go to in order to satisfy your need. The second body will
leave the physical to satisfy the need. At the certain place you'll become
fully awake and notice that you are out of the body there.
1.3. Terms, acronyms and abbreviations
Here are some keywords that may be useful while reading this FAQ:
OOBE - Out-of-the-body experience -- full experience at a remote
location while the physical body sleeps
NDE - Near-death-experience
LD - Lucid dream; dreaming while lucidly knowing that one is
Repercussion - Quick return to the physical body
Vibrations - A sensation which can be experienced as a mild tingling,
or as is electricity is being shot through the body.
Paralysis - A feeling of heaviness which cause inability to move limbs
Visualization - Picturing of remote surroundings, to visualize a scenario
in your "minds eye"
Projection - OOBE is often referred as astral projection although other
kind of projections exist (etheric and mental)
Hypnagogic state - A drowsy condition at the threshold between sleep and
waking consciousness
Aura - A colored light around people, sometimes can be seen as
multi-colored emanations around the person, built up of
various differently colored layers and zones
Physical body - It's what you see when look at the mirror
Ether(ic) body - Mostly 'physical' with a little of the lower 'astral'
besides, a.k.a. vital body
Astral body - The intermediary for intuition and the 'psychic link' to
the physical world, a.k.a. subconscious
Mental body - Conscious mind
Spiritual body - Soul
Silver cord - Connects the different bodies together
Spirit(ual) guide - A guard/teacher/helper during an OOBE
2. Steps to achieve an OOBE
There are many ways to induce an out-of-the-body experience... in the end it's
up to you to experiment and figure out which one(s) work(s) best for you. It
should be strongly be emphasized that, telling someone how to OOBE is like
teaching someone how to fly an airplane, when you don't even know what an
airplane is. :)
2.1. Relaxation
All of the methods will involve first and foremost, relaxation. It's a good
idea to go to the bathroom first so you won't be interrupted biologically (most
people know from experience that sleeping is difficult with a full bladder...
well, OOBEing too). Try not to have any distractions around and make sure you
won't be disturbed. It is a good idea to find a *very* quiet place, so that the
noises, themselves do not distract you. The use of ear-plugs, especially in the
initial attempts, is highly recommended. The human mind has a tendency to get
attracted to noises, especially when one is trying to get rid of them.
Sudden noises, etc. can cause a "repercussion" (a quick return to the physical,
usually accompanied with a start... the same feeling that you get when you wake
up from a falling dream). Repercussions are generally unpleasant, and someone
suggested they may in some *rare* cases cause physical damage. It's a good idea
to avoid them.
Loosen any tight clothing, or if you would be more comfortable, wear no
clothing. You should be comfortable temperature-wise... so in the winter it
might be a good idea to be under a blanket... whatever is most comfortable for
you. Ideally there should be no time pressure (i.e. have to be back by 4:30 for
class...) and no worry about anything else (i.e. my roommate is gonna come back
and look at me funny, or whatever)... put physical matter concerns out of your
mind. If there are worries about being interrupted or the like, it might be
better to wait until a better time to try.
There are plenty of ways to relax oneself. Everyone has his/her technique.
Listed below are a few methods. *Experiment* with them, and find out what is
suitable for you. The usual outcome of being relaxed is that one is quite
unaware of the outside world.
2.1.1. Borderland sleep state
This is perhaps the easiest and most natural method and usually ensures
relaxation of both body and mind simultaneously. Lie in whatever position is
most comfortable for you, preferably when you are tired and sleepy. As you
become relaxed and start to drift off to sleep, hold your mental attention on
something, anything, with your eyes closed. When you reach the state bordering
sleep and wakefulness, deepen your relaxation by concentrating on the blackness
beyond your eyelids. The trick is to hold the delicate edge between being
conscious and the sleep state.
2.1.2. Auto-hypnosis
The most efficient and speediest way to learn self-hypnosis is through the
training of an experienced hypnotist. S/he can set up post-hypnotic suggestions
that will bring immediate results. However, select a tutor with care.
Responsible practitioners are rare, and neophytes numerous.
2.1.3. Meditation
Also a very good way to relax oneself. Find yourself a comfortable place. The
usual technique is to hold your attention onto something in particular. The
idea is to focus your consciousness onto only thing, and withdraw your
attention from the outside world.
2.1.4. Progressive muscular relaxation
This is one of the basic methods used in hypnosis and self-hypnosis. Physical
relaxation can assist one in attaining the requisite trance state. These
techniques involve beginning at the toes and tensing, then relaxing the
muscles, progressively up the entire body.
Again, lie down some place that is comfortable. Then think of all the parts of
your body from head to toe or vice versa, and relax them until they can't relax
any more than they are... relax your head, your temples, your eyes, your jaw,
all the muscles that you probably never even used to think about... relax them
all. It might also be a good idea to imagine a peaceful and relaxing scene
(like stretching out in a grass field on a sunny day). The human nervous system
doesn't distinguish between vividly-imagined scenes and reality; visualizing a
relaxing scene will cause your body to relax.
2.1.5. The built-in relaxation mechanism (from: Todd E. Grupe)
The body has a built-in relaxation mechanism which is effectively an opposite
to the fight-or-flight stress response. It triggers relaxation in the autonomic
nervous system automatically (lower blood pressure and heart rate, production
of alpha waves in the brain, etc.). What you want to do is take deep breaths
using only the muscles of the diaphragm, or abdomen. Typically when you take a
deep breath your upper chest rises outward (try it yourself). In diaphragmatic
breathing you don't use those muscles at all; if you're doing it right your
upper chest doesn't move. It should just be your belly moving in and out. Take
the deepest breaths you can and hold them for a few seconds before exhaling,
slo-o-o-owly. It takes some practice, but the skill is invaluable once you get
it. Combine it with the progressive muscular relaxation technique described
2.1.6. Chakra meditation (from: Phil Hansford)
According to East Indian philosophy, man possesses seven major chakras or
psychic centers on his body. Each of these forms a bridge, link, or energy
transformer; changing pure (higher) energy into various forms, and connecting
the four bodies (ie. spiritual, mental, astral, and physical) together. The
chakras are located along the nadies (a network of psychic nerves or channels)
and follow the autonomic nervous system along the spinal cord.
The first chakra, located at the base of the spine at the perineum is the root
chakra, muladhara. The second chakra, known as the sacral center, svadhisthana,
is located above and behind the genitals. Third of the chakras is the solar
plexus, manipura, located at the navel and corresponding with the emotions and
also with psychic sight (clairvoyance). The heart chakra, anahata, is the
fourth chakra, located over the heart and corresponding with the psychic touch.
The fifth chakra is the throat chakra, vishuddha, located at the base of the
throat (thyroid) and corresponding with psychic hearing (clairaudience).
The remaining two chakras are very important. They relate mostly to elevated
states of consciousness. The frontal chakra, (or 'third eye') ajna, the sixth
chakra, is located between, and slightly above, the eyebrows. Ajna is the
*center of psychic powers* and can produce many psychic effects. Meditation on
ajna is said to cure nervousness. Finally, the crown chakra, sahasrara, located
atop the head, (pineal gland) is the seventh chakra. It is referred to as the
thousand-petaled lotus and corresponds with astral projection (OOBE) and
There is a special type of concentrative meditation which is called 'Chakra
meditation'. This is basically Kundalini yoga -- the practice of causing
psychic energy (kundalini) to flow up sushumna, energizing the various chakras
along the way. The practice, considered dangerous by some, will produce
definite physiological sensations and psychological effects if continued long
enough. It should not be attempted by epileptics or persons with an unstable
mental or physical condition, or with heart disease. Certain drugs and
medications, such as those used to treat epilepsy may retard progress. Although
the technique is very simple, it may eventually produce powerful results.
Results may at first appear hours after the practice during sleep. As each
chakra is energized by this practice, it is said to add occult powers (sidhis),
until at last the crown chakra is reached, and with it, full enlightenment is
attained. Sometimes kundalini awakens all by itself.
To practice this chakra meditation, you simply concentrate on the chakras,
beginning with the root chakra, and moving progressively up, as you visualize
psychic energy from the root chakra traveling up shushumna and vivifying each
higher chakra. As we mentioned the chakras have certain properties associated
with them, so that this type of visualization may 'raise consciousness',
promote astral projection, and other things -- once you have reached ajna and
eventually the crown chakra. You might typically meditate in this fashion for
15 minutes to a half hour a day. The rise of kundalini is sometimes experienced
as a 'vibration' or buzzing, as light, or as heat.
2.2. Typical physical manifestations
The usual reaction of the conscious mind is to fight these feelings. It is more
productive if one *gives in*, rather than try to fight back to gain "control".
A trap, most people fall into, is that they expect some dramatic effects, in
too short a time. Another trap is the unreasonable fear that any of these
following events might cause, especially if you try rationally analyze what's
happening to you. You just have to go a bit further each time and get used to
those feelings.
2.2.1. Vibrations
This is something, you will attain, sometime or the other. It might feel as if
electricity is flowing through your body. The first times it happens it is
scary to most people. Further, it seems to be an unreasonable conscious fear,
something akin to seeing a slithering snake. You just want to kill it and it
doesn't matter if it is doing you no harm.
There is the chance that the first few times, when one is indeed fully relaxed,
the conscious mind automatically shuts out the vibrations, due to the
unexpected nature of the phenomena, whatever.
One trick, some people use is to let the vibrations start, when not conscious.
Tell yourself beforehand that your consciousness will waken up when the
vibrations occur. This way, you will find yourself in the middle of the
2.2.2. Paralysis
This is also a very common thing to happen. It feels as if your body has
suddenly become very heavy, and made of lead. And one is really unable to move
a limb, even with an utmost summoning of will power.
It seems that, when we go to sleep, the brain deactivates the mechanism by
which we are able to use our limbs, so that we don't go about doing the things
*physically* when we dream. Quite a few people have found themselves in this
paralysis state, as soon, as they have gotten up after a sleep.
The first type, known as type A paralysis, is a condition encountered when
approaching a deeper layer of consciousness from a light trance state, in the
performance of magick, OOBE, LD, etc.
The second, type B paralysis, is the reverse of type A, in that it happens
during the return home to physical reality, assuming, of course, the person
has a physical body to return to in the first place.
The first type A "paralysis" goes something like this:
"Mmmmmm.... I know I am awake; I can think ..... Mmmmmmm but my body is
asleep ..." (Robert Monroe labelled it Focus 10 consciousness)
"Wait a minute here, there is something going on here, I just can't seem
"Yes, I can't seem to move my limbs; they seemed to be laden with lead,
why can't I move at all? Hey, what's happening here! (Panic!)"
A typical type B "paralysis" goes something like this:
"Mmmmm... I am feeling groggy, absolutely. What was that just now, oh,
it must be some dream..."
"Mmmm...... hang on a minute, was that a noise I heard? It must have
come from the door... I need to check it out, could be a burglar.....
but I am so tired... and sleepy..."
"I need to wake up, it could be important.... Hey, I can't seem to wake
up, why are my legs not waking up, why can't my hands respond?"
"PANIC!!! I need to wake up!!! I don't want to die... I need to exert
more will on this... Hey, body, wake up, eyes open, ... WAKE UP!"
"Gosh, NOW, I can move my limbs, I am awake now, body covered with
perspiration, sitting at the edge of the bed, wondering why just now I
simply couldn't wake up..."
"Phew -- Thank goodness, it is finally over. Am I glad to be back to
the familiar physical environment."
However, type A paralysis is the type that should not be resisted; if the
person can allow himself to "go with the flow", then some kind of altered
state of consciousness is bound to happen, which is what the person is
hoping to achieve anyway. BTW, type A paralysis is the one mentioned by Robert
Monroe, Sylvia Muldoon et al.
2.2.3. Voices
According to Ophiel, in "The Art and Practice of Astral Projection", starting
to move into OOBE will produce strange sounds. He says that this is because the
sense of hearing is not carried over onto the higher planes, and that means
that your mind tries to recreate some input, and just gets subconscious static.
He asserts that the noises can take any form, including voices, malevolent,
eerie, or even your mom, and get worse and worse, more and more disturbing,
until eventually they peak and then just fade to a constant background hiss
while you OOBE. Apparently, his 'final noise' sounded like his water heater
blowing up. He says, anyway, to ignore the noises, voice or otherwise, as they
are only static/subconscious rambling, and do not represent any being in any
way, not even the self really.
2.2.4. Fear
One of the chief barriers people learning to project face is fear. Many are
afraid that they may die, or be harmed in some way as a result of their
projection. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The Cantebury Institute,
renowned for its occult studies, executed an experiment in projection involving
over 2,000 people. None of them were hurt in any way by this, and now, three
years later, none have complained of any newly arising problems.
2.3. "I think I am relaxed. Now what?"
Very good clues, indicative of the oncoming OOBE state, are the physical
manifestations described above. But, it should quickly be mentioned that, they
are not a necessity to obtain an OOBE.
After you feel that you are ready for some action, the first thing to do, is to
obviously *disassociate* from your physical body. Notice that following
techniques do somewhat overlap with the relaxation techniques but they are by
no means exclusive.
2.3.1. Lift-out technique
The simplest method to separate from the physical seems to be the "lift-out"
procedure. *Think* of getting lighter, of floating upward. Be sure to think
how *nice* it would be, as the *subjective* associated thought is most
2.3.2. Rotation technique
A second method is the "rotation" technique. Try to slowly turn over, just as
if you were attempting to turn over in bed, to make yourself more comfortable.
Make no attempt to help yourself rotate with either arms or legs. Start turning
by twisting the top of your body, your head and shoulders first. By all means,
move slowly, exerting gentle but firm pressure.
2.3.3. Visualization technique
This involves a type of extended clairvoyance or picturing of remote
surroundings. The more familiar the surroundings is to you, the more easy it is
to visualize the scenario in your "minds eye", so as to speak. It is therefore
a good idea, in the initial stages, to try to visualize places or people, with
whom you are very familiar with. If you can experience the feeling of being
there, so much the better. For example, you might think of a far off friend/
lover, and think how you would love it, if you were in that person's vicinity,
Although this technique is essentially mental projection, it is possible to
deepen mental projection into astral projection through (you guessed it!)
visualization. Crowley taught a similar technique: a) visualize a closed door
on a blank wall, b) imagine a meditation symbol on the door, c) visualize the
door opening and yourself entering through it. And J.H. Brennan describes
similar techniques wherein the door is shaped and colored like a tattva, or
alternately, a chosen tarot card is visualized and the student visualizes
entering into it.
2.3.4. Guided imagery
In many respects similar to visualization. Except in this case, there is a
guide (or perhaps a voice on tape) directing you by means of descriptions. As
with visualization, mental rather than astral projection is most likely.
2.3.5. Body of light
The old Golden Dawn technique. Imagine a duplicate (mirror image) of yourself
in front of you. Then transfer your consciousness and sensation to the
duplicate ('body of light').
2.3.6. Strong willing
Sort of like creative visualization experienced in the present. That is you
express your strong desire to project through your willpower while you
visualize yourself doing it.
2.3.7. The Monroe techniques
These are a series of steps developed by Robert Monroe: a) relax the body,
b) enter the hypnogogic state, c) deepen the state, d) develop the sensation
of 'vibration', e) separate from the body. The Monroe Institute has developed
some cassette tapes which are claimed to help in this. Some people feel that
this technique is superior to others because it does not require intense
visualization, which many people cannot do.
Relax the body. According to Monroe, "the ability to relax is the first
prerequisite, perhaps even the first step itself" to having an OOBE. This
includes both physical and mental relaxation. Monroe does not suggest a method
of attaining this relaxation, although Progressive Muscle relaxation, coupled
with deep breathing exercises are known to work well.
Enter the state bordering sleep (a.k.a. the hypnagogic state). Once again,
Monroe doesn't recommend any method of doing this. One way is to hold your
forearm up, while keeping your upper arm on the bed, or ground. As you start to
fall asleep, your arm will fall, and you will awaken again. With practice, you
can learn to control the Hypnagogic state without using your arm. Another
method is to concentrate on an object. When other images start to enter your
thoughts, you have entered the Hypnagogic state. Passively watch these images.
This will also help you maintain this state of near-sleep. Monroe calls this
Condition A.
Deepen this state. Begin to clear your mind. Observe your field of vision
through your closed eyes. Do nothing more for a while. Simply look through your
closed eyelids at the blackness in front of you. After a while, you may notice
light patterns. These are simply neural discharges. They have no specific
effect. Ignore them. When they cease, one has entered what Monroe calls
Condition B. From here, one must enter an even deeper state of relaxation which
Monroe calls Condition C -- a state of such relaxation that you lose all
awareness of the body and sensory stimulation. You are almost in a void in
which your only source of stimulation will be your own thoughts. The ideal
state for leaving your body is Condition D. This is Condition C when it is
voluntarily induced from a rested and refreshed condition and is not the effect
of normal fatigue. To achieve Condition D, Monroe suggests that you practice
entering it in the morning or after a short nap.
Enter a state of Vibration. This is the most important part of the technique,
and also the most vague. Many projectors have noted these vibrations at the
onset of projection. They can be experienced as a mild tingling, or as is
electricity is being shot through the body. Their cause is a mystery. It may
actually be the astral body trying to leave the physical one. For entering into
the vibrational state, he offers the following directions:
1. Remove all jewelry or other items that might be touching your skin.
2. Darken the room so that no light can be seen through your eyelids, but
do not shut out all light.
3. Lie down with your body along a north-south axis, with your head
pointed toward magnetic north.
4. Loosen all clothing, but keep covered so that you are slightly warmer
than might normally be comfortable.
5. Be sure you are in a location where, and at a time when, there will be
absolutely no noise to disturb you.
6. Enter a state of relaxation
7. Give yourself the mental suggestion that you will remember all that
occurs during the upcoming session that will be beneficial to your
well-being. Repeat this five times.
8. Proceed to breath through your half-open mouth.
9. As you breath, concentrate on the void in front of you.
10. Select a point a foot away from your forehead, then change your point
of mental reference to six feet.
11. Turn the point 90 degrees upward by drawing an imaginary line parallel
to your body axis up and above your head. Focus there and reach out for
the vibrations at that point and bring them back into your body.
Learn to control the vibrational state. Practice controlling them by mentally
pushing them into your head, down to your toes, making them surge throughout
your entire body, and producing vibrational waves from head to foot. To produce
this wave effect, concentrate of the vibrations and mentally push a wave out of
your head and guide it down your body. Practice this until you can induce these
waves on command. Once you have control of the vibrational state, you are ready
to leave the body.
Begin with a partial separation. The key here is thought control. Keep your
mind firmly focused on the idea of leaving the body. Do not let it wander.
Stray thought might cause you to lose control of the state. Now, having entered
the vibrational state, begin exploring the OOBE by releasing a hand or a foot
of the "second body". Monroe suggests that you extend a limb until it comes in
contact with a familiar object, such as a wall near your bed. Then push it
through the object. Return the limb by placing it back into coincidence with
the physical one, decrease the vibrational rate, and then terminate the
experiment. Lie quietly until you have fully returned to normal. This exercise
will prepare you for full separation.
Disassociate yourself from the body. Monroe suggests two methods for this. One
method is to lift out of the body (see section 2.3.1.). To do this, think about
getting lighter and lighter after entering this vibrational state. Think about
how nice it would be to float upward. Keep this thought in mind at all costs
and let no extraneous thoughts interrupt it. An OOBE will occur naturally at
this point. Another method is the "rotation method" or "roll-out" technique
(see section 2.3.2.). When you have achieved the vibrational state, try to roll
over as if you were turning over in bed. Do not attempt to roll over
physically. Try to twist your body from the top and virtually roll over into
your second body right out of your physical self. At this point, you will be
out of the body but next to it. Think of floating upward, and you should find
yourself floating above the body. Monroe suggests you begin with the lift-out
method, but argues that both are equally efficacious.
The Monroe Institute (from: Terry Gilbert)
The Monroe Institute in Faber Virginia has courses and "hemi-sync" tapes
available that are more focused towards achieving OOBE's than the books.
Certainly, anyone who has just read "Journeys Out of the Body" would not be
aware. My advice, read Far Journeys by Monroe, and contact the institute. Look
for Monroe's upcoming book "Ultimate Journey's ". Sadly, I have not attended
the institute but have used the tapes with more success than I have achieved
with books alone. A very close friend of mine attended a Gateway program at the
institute and has accomplished just about everything you read about in the OOBE
books. I'm green with envy.
Here's the complete address: Monroe Institute of Applied Science
Route1, Box 175
Faber, Virginia
Attn: Helen Warring
PH: 804-361-1252
3. During the OOBE
After you have succeeded in achieving an OOBE you may encounter other beings,
or you can try to travel to different worlds, dimensions, whatever. You can
also witness the past, the present and the future at the same time... Here are
some postings about those subjects.
3.1. Spirit guides and other entities
(from: Jude Tulli)
She [spirit guide] has appeared to me in dreams, and I think that I have
sometimes misinterpreted what she said to me, though maybe not....
She has appeared to me in a vision. She was in a pool/lake of clear fresh water
and walking towards me. I woke up for no reason that I can tell other than that
I was feeling too intensely wonderful to remain in the state of consciousness I
was in.
I can feel her presence in my waking life whenever I think of and open to her.
The feeling is love, and when it's intense it fills me with a warm, tingling
sensation. When it's even more intense, usually when I am meditating, I
sometimes feel a merging and oneness with her...not so much "astral sex"...it's
not so much strictly sexual as it is *inclusive* of the sexual. It's a total
and unconditional love, and I believe it is based on mutual respect, affection,
and admiration.
We all learn at our own pace and so guides do not necessary appear to you until
you're ready.
Some of the entities involved may be guides, some may be friends/relatives/
lovers from past lives, but I simply don't know yet... they may have just been
there for the energy exchange, or because they wanted to help someone... These
guided experiences began with my finding myself out of body (for me it happens
most easily coming out of sleep... usually after 8-10 hours of sleep) and
thinking "Take me where I most need to go" (the implication being that I'm
asking for the guidance of "guides"/entities that I know somehow, or entities
of equal or greater wisdom/experience as myself).
I won't write everything about the experiences, because I haven't figured out
much about what they mean yet, but they all have in common this aspect: I was
taken "places" by beings who did not appear to me; all I could perceive of them
was their hands holding and escorting my (astral?) body. In two of these
experiences (I've had 3 or 4 of them so far) one of the hands (usually there
were 4 hands but sometimes only 2 I think) was touching me somewhere where it
tickled uncomfortably... once under my arm and once under my foot (they have
quite a sense of humor...)
The second of these trips was frightening to me, as I was taken through
blackness and upon return to the physical my third eye opened most violently
and I was shown a vision which I still don't know what it means, but maybe
that's cuz I woke myself up before I had time to see anything further... I was
quite scared that the vision was going to be negative (the experience could
have been defined as an air-hiss/valve combination like that reported by
Monroe... remembering that most if not all his like visions were of not-fun
things, I grew quite scared quite fast. Monroe also reported hands guiding him;
he called such entities "Helpers") they also took me to the same empty
classroom twice (the last two times I think) and though I've gleaned some
insight about myself through what was written on the blackboard, beyond that I
don't know why I was brought there..... blah blah blah... There are more
details I could write but I don't want to bore people who aren't interested. I
just wanted to talk about these experiences in case anyone else is interested
in trying the method ("Take me where I most need to go")
(from: 'Star gazer ***')
[An excerpt from "An interview in IRC" by Star gazer, edited to more readable
form by JAS]
<Jack> No, I found a new method :)
<Jack> Really neat one :)
<stargzr> Yes, can you share that with me?
<Jack> I would extend my astral hand in the air, then almost immediately
somebody would grab my hands and pull me out :)
<stargzr> Hm.. have you meet with the person who helped you in this way?
<Jack> I believe that it is either my guide or some other friend on the
other side
<Jack> One time we went hand to hand, exploring, it was more like a trip
<stargzr> Ok, but you have not seen the face of this guide yet?
<Jack> I am sure I did :)
<Jack> There are two of them, one is very tall, and the other is shorter,
I like tall one better
<stargzr> Is he/she someone you would recognise on the physical plane?
<Jack> I don't think so, the person is not in the body at this time frame
<stargzr> You have said that your oobe happens spontaneously. Is it correct
to say ...
<Jack> Yes and no :)
<stargzr> Explain further please.
<Jack> I would say, that I have to reach a certain condition, which is
sometimes hard to reach, especially when I am tired
<Jack> I would say that OOBE does not catch me by surprise... I knew what
I was doing...
<stargzr> I understand... and is it correct to say that not every time you
raised your astral hand, will you be met by your guides?
<Jack> It's up to me if I want to get pull out; yes I can say I can call
them up for help ANYTIME, they would come
<Jack> You see, I want to go on my own, I can do it too.
<Jack> I guess they are peeking at me when I do it :)
Sparkle of consciousness (from: 'tvos')
[An excerpt from "Jan & Feb 1988 Astral Projection Journals"]
... I went directly to the men's department hoping that the mirror would be
there. ** Yup, Sure Was!!** Looking into the mirror I saw a sparkle in my eyes
that signified the sparkle of life or consciousness you could say. I knew that
I wasn't dreaming, nor unconscious of my awareness which all made sense to me.
My guitar instructor John Felicks explained this technique to me in the
physical world which the meaning behind is awareness. He said that for those
who have a sparkle in their eyes means that they are aware of their
surroundings, but for those who don't sparkle means their unconscious. ** Makes
Sense!! ** The perception of the store was clear as daylight, this awareness
was the best, just being happy that I'm learning to raise my conscience and
objectively carrying out experiments I wish to conduct being far away from my
(from: Andrade Bittencourt)
I am experiencing OOBE for 20 years and I would like to let all of you know
that I don't have a formal religion, gurus, masters, guides or any entity that
could give me any experience/knowledge for free. I've read books by Muldoon,
Castaneda, Monroe and others and for a long time I had them as a good source of
information. Today I discard 70% of their OOBE analysis. Without any kind of
pretension but just experiencing.
First of all let's put aside words like superior, developed, guides or any
other mystical concept that can block information. Second, DO NOT believe in
what I have to say. You must have your own experiences and judge, analyze and
conclude by yourself. Knowledge is transmitted and discussed, never imposed!
Keep your sense of right judgment and discrimination all the time. This is the
most important thing to do!
I could relate a lot of experiences here but I would be one more doing it. I
encourage everybody to do it but along these years I learnt that obe is a tool,
just a tool. In the beginning I went out of the body for fun. I could fly,
travel across walls, appear and disappear in different places, observe people
and so on. But for what? I didn't want religion involved then I started to look
for knowledge. During this search I practiced spiritualism, yoga, mind control,
etc. I incorporated entities, experienced materialization in obes and in the
physical plane. All of them are valid, exist and I respect all of them. It is
very good for a lot of people. But I was looking for more knowledge. The
phenomenon didn't attracted me because I was looking for the causes, the
origins, the roots. Without passion, religion, philosophy, guides, rules. Along
this search we will have to handle all these things, there is no way but we can
always keep a different positions and good sense.
Then I found a group that works in this scientific way. The identification of
this group is not important because I want to keep every thing far from any
kind of doctrine. Anyway, the most important thing I experienced is that obe is
a very attractive tool that catches our attention in a improper way because it
is a wonderful and pleasant experience. Then, I could experience the cause, the
root: ENERGY. This is the key to control OOBE. What is it? You can feel it
physically as a itching, formication or something similar. Do you know that it
can be controlled up to the point of a "full OOBE"? Forget any other technique:
control your energy and you will control obe. OK, the process to control energy
is when you are awake (amazing not?). I will call it "in-the-body-experience"
(IBE). This means that obe starts physically according to your will and under
your control. The lateral effects of IBE are: improved sensitivity,
clairvoyance, premonition, partial OOBE while awake (there are several kinds of
OOBEs), extraphysical perception and lots and lots of good sense, judgment and
Going back to "full OOBE". It is when you experience a complete OOBE without
loss of consciousness. It is a round trip voyage. Do you know what I mean?
OK, as I told you before I went out of the body and I was alone is the astral
plane, without astral entities, forms or other kind of ghosts. It is just one
obe more. No one in the astral plane will give you knowledge for free! What is
the trick? It is: offer yourself to help anyone that needs your ENERGY, but set
a price for that! Ask for lucidity, memory and discernment in exchange. Offer
yourself for anyone, while awake or not, like a prostitute (in terms of energy)
look for a client, shout, roar in thoughts that you wish to exchange energy by
experience. Make a noise, but only in thoughts, very calm and positive. Ask for
help, not for a guide, many times the helping entity has less knowledge than
you. Remember: you are offering something (energy) and so you will owe nothing
for the experience, make friends there, not guides. And wait. If you are in the
physical plane keep the ENERGY in movement and in a short time you will not be
able to control this movement any more. It will take you under its control, you
will perceive a very different smell and sounds coming from your most inner
part. In your way to the OOBE you are completely awake, without doubts if it is
or not an OOBE. You can meet you astral friend also or not, depending on how
host (He Or She) needs your help. Remember: when you offer energy you are
helping them. By other side, if you are already in the astral plane then all
the oneiric images will disappear, they vanish like smoke and you will be in
the same point already described. Then you will be taken to different astral
planes and places. From the bad to the good ones (I learnt more in the bad
ones. There you test your capacity. In the good ones you improve your without-
barriers-moral-and-concepts. I said that I don't have religion but a very good
and open moral, by experiences. I am not more or less developed than you all. I
am a normal human being. I make sex, I smoke, I drink beer, I have fun, I am
not fanatic and I am completely open to discussions. I am learning and
searching for information and experiences exactly like you all). OK, let's go
back to the bad places: You are always placed in experiences that you can
handle because you will be always attended, visibly or not. The reason for
that, and it is not a rule, is that there you will know about your capacity,
the things that you have ALREADY learnt from this and from others lives
regardless you believe on it or not. It is not a creed, it is part of you. At
this point let's put aside subjects like reincarnation, spirits, dead persons,
ugly entities, beautiful entities, plasma, ectoplasm. You will have to handle
with them even you don't believe on them! This is the importance of control
your own ENERGY (IBE), it is your ID and you will be able to recognize bad and
good entities through their energetic ID independently of their appearance:
beautiful or not. Here, the lucid dreams, dreams and similar experiences will
be subjects of the past. Are you in doubt if you are in front your computer
reading this message? This is the same certainty that you have to have when you
are in a real OOBE. Improving your knowledge, controlling your energy and
enlarging your general-moral you will experience harder and harder obes (it
makes sense, doesn't it?).
So, OOBE is just a tool, as you can see. Is your passport to the astral plane.
What is going to happen will depend on your knowledge and IBE. You have to
offer your good energy to have something in place, that is the market's law:
offering and demand.
OK, it is not easy. Do you have fear? Fear is unfamiliarity with the subject.
The difficulty is to experience something that depend on our will only. Fear is
the most efficient force to avoid IBE and OOBE. Again, it is not easy. I feel
fear sometimes up to now (depending on the environment). But it is not
impossible also. All of us can do it. Are you ready to try?
After you have experienced a lot of situations you will be more selective about
the things you read. How many books and reports can be put in the trash,
regardless they tell the true or not. If they don't add anything and have
erroneous conclusions then you put them aside. By your own judgment. For this
reason I encourage all of you to try to have "exchanged" OOBEs. Remember that a
well experienced ten-seconds-OOBE is much more valid than a plenty-of-nothing
Finally, I don't have any pretension to criticize anyone. I respect all the
experiences and I know that they are enough for a lot people. I am also ready
to clarify any misunderstanding.
Once again: do not believe in what I said. Try it, if you want. To those that
are interested on it I will be glad in exchange experiences. There a lot of
good projectors in this network and a lot of good-sense-people also. Nice to
meet you all!
8<-- End of Part 1 ------- Cut! ---- Cut! ---- Cut! ---- Cut! ---- Cut! ---->8
To be continued in the next posting....
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Jouni A. Smed jounsmed@utu.fi
Department of Computer Science, University of Turku
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Path: cix.compulink.co.uk!uknet!mcsun!news.funet.fi!polaris!jounsmed
From: jounsmed@polaris.utu.fi (Jouni Smed)
Newsgroups: alt.out-of-body
Subject: The OOBE-FAQ (Part 2 of 2)
Summary: Frequently Asked Questions
Keywords: The OOBE-FAQ
Message-ID: <C5BvF5.I5M@polaris.utu.fi>
Date: 11 Apr 93 16:35:28 GMT
Organization: University of Turku
Lines: 806
The OOBE-FAQ continues....
8<---- Part 2 -- Cut! ---- Cut! ---- Cut! ---- Cut! ---- Cut! -- Part 2 ---->8
3.2. Travelling
You can try to travel to some interesting places. Since the normal physical
laws do not apply to you anymore you can visit, for example, the moon and
planets. But the earth have some rather interesting locations to visit, too.
Just to mention few favorites, the Pyramids in Egypt, or you could pay a visit
to the Stonehenge and look at the top of the stones...
(from: Geno Bigelow)
As for how far and where you can go, it depends on you. There are places/things
you are not supposed to see. Ordinarily, you wouldn't even be aware of them
unless you accidently "stumble" across them and find yourself suddenly
projected somewhere else. Except for this, you are only limited by your own
The world look can look the same or it can look different depending upon how
your perception is when you're projecting. As for other worlds (and there are
many), well, it's really impossible to describe. You just have to be there.
Then of course, you can always project into other dimensions.
It is possible to project to past/present/future. This is not the same as
"going back in time". Since you're not there physically, you can't change it or
have any affect on it, you can only observe it.
It is possible to divide one's consciousness when projecting. In other words
divide "yourself", an unlimited number of times. So, you can be/see/perceive
several things at the same time. This increases, geometrically, the amount that
you can learn.
(from: Thomas Fruin)
In an OOBE you can "relive" your previous lives (incarnations), in full detail.
(By the way, it's very important the investigate old mistakes made in previous
lives, if we want to achieve true "enlightenment"). You can potentially travel
*anywhere* on earth, "inside" the earth, and its heavens. With special work
you can travel to other planets, in seconds. Makes the whole space program look
like kids play. You can investigate many, many things. If only all the worlds
scientists knew how to project (and *accepted* it, if only to try it out)...
The world would be a different place.
3.3. "Are there any dangers in OOBE?"
There are dangers in OOBEing, but not fundamentally different from the dangers
we are exposed to in our daily "waking" life. Life just is full of dangers!
Although physical matters aren't dangerous some people have warned about
electricity and powerlines. What comes to the bad spirits some people say that
"there is no bad spirits, they are just negative thoughts in your head", or
"they don't harm you if you don't try to mess with 'em".
(from: Geno Bigelow)
You have to be taught certain things to do it and if you don't do it right, not
all of you will make it back. Also, better not try projecting to the 1st or 2nd
dimensions. People who say that you can't be hurt or that there are no dangers
when projecting, don't know what they're talking about. However, *don't* let
that keep you from doing it. While it is possible, the chances of anything bad
happening to you are *extremely slim* at best. I just wanted to make the point
that it isn't impossible.
"How to protect yourself with magical circles?" (from: Thomas Fruin)
As all of us have (or had) a father and a mother. We also have an "inner
father" and an "inner mother". Good parents protect and guide us, and never let
us down. Well, our Father (capitalized to distinguish him from our physical
father) and Mother are about the best "parents" we can have. Our Father and
Mother are _always_ present and attentive. They don't impose their will, but
act when we ask their help. You can ask their help at any time but you have to
be honest and sincere.
Before having an OOBE, ask your Father for his help and guidance. In particular
ask him to order your "elemental intercessor" to create a magical circle around
your body. The elemental intercessor is yet another part of our Being which
consists of many, many parts. Imagine the circle being created clockwise around
your body. Do that twice more, for a total of 3 times.
The circle that gets created is _absolutely_invincible_. It will show up with a
emerald green color in the astral plane, and protect your body from _anything_.
Take note the circle gets broken when you traverse it physically, for example
when you get up in the morning. It can also be broken by somebody else
traversing it physically (a child or a pet), but _not_ by anybody with bad
intentions. So make sure you don't have pets in the room. If you're worried
about roommates, consider creating the circle around the whole room (if you're
intimate). That way the movement of your spouse next to you, for example, won't
cause your circle to be broken.
(from: Robert Balkenhol)
I keep reading about all of these supposed dangers. I take NO precautions
(except turning off my wife's electric blanket :-)). I do not bother to imagine
blue, green, yellow or whatever, forcefields. I do know that the experience has
been happening with me for over thirteen years, and I haven't been possessed,
or killed, or suffered any permanent damage. I have had frightful encounters. I
have suffered temporary disorientation upon abrupt return to the physical. AND,
I remain a Christian that believes and trusts in God. Objectively, I have yet
to experience anything OOB that enforces or rejects any particular religion. My
advice: be sure you REALLY want to do this. Once you start, it may not stop.
4. More theory
After all those (more or less) practical pieces of advice this section has a
more theoretical approach to the subject.
4.1. Lucid dreaming (excerpts from the Lucid Dreaming FAQ)
The term "lucid dreaming" refers to dreaming while knowing that you are
dreaming. The "lucid" part refers to the clarity of consciousness rather than
the vividness of the dream. It generally happens when you realize during the
course of a dream that you are dreaming, perhaps because something weird
occurs. Most people who remember their dreams have experienced this at some
time, often waking up immediately after the realization. However, it is
possible to continue in the dream while remaining fully aware that you are
4.1.1. "If you are lucid, can you control the dream?"
Usually lucidity brings with it some degree of control over the course of the
dream. How much control is possible varies from dream to dream and from dreamer
to dreamer. Practice can apparently contribute to the ability to exert control
over dream events. At the least, lucid dreamers can choose how they wish to
respond to the events of the dream.
4.1.2. "How do you have lucid dreams?"
There are several methods of inducing lucid dreams. The first step, regardless
of method, is to develop your dream recall until you can remember at least one
dream per night. Then, if you have a lucid dream you will remember it. You will
also become very familiar with your dreams, making it easier learn to recognize
them while they are happening. If you recall your dreams you can begin
immediately with two simple techniques for stimulating lucid dreams. Lucid
dreamers make a habit of "reality testing." This means investigating the
environment to decide whether you are dreaming or awake. Ask yourself many
times a day, "Could I be dreaming?" Then, test the stability of your current
reality by reading some words, looking away and looking back while trying to
will them to change. The instability of dreams is the easiest clue to use for
distinguishing waking from dreaming. If the words change, you are dreaming.
Taking naps is a way to greatly increase your chances of having lucid dreams.
You have to sleep long enough in the nap to enter REM sleep. If you nap you
will have a higher probability of becoming lucid than in dreams you have during
a normal night's sleep. Focus on your intention to recognize that you are
dreaming as you fall asleep within the nap.
4.1.3. "How to prevent yourself from awakening?"
At first, beginners may have difficulty remaining in the dream after they
attain lucidity. This obstacle may prevent many people from realizing the value
of lucid dreaming, because they have not experienced more than the flash of
knowing they are dreaming, followed by immediate awakening. Two simple
techniques can help you overcome this problem. The first is to remain calm in
the dream. Becoming lucid is exciting, but expressing the excitement can awaken
you. Suppress your feeling somewhat and turn your attention to the dream. If
the dream shows signs of ending, such as the disappearance, loss of clarity or
depth of the imagery, "spinning" can help bring the dream back. As soon as the
dream starts to "fade," before you feel your real body in bed, spin your dream
body like a top. That is, twirl around like a child trying to get dizzy (you
probably will not get dizzy during dream spinning because your physical body is
not spinning around). Remind yourself, "The next scene will be a dream." When
you stop spinning, if it is not obvious that you are dreaming, do a reality
test. Even if you think you are awake, you may be surprised to find that you
are still dreaming!
4.1.4. "What's the connection between dreams, LD's and OOBE's?"
(from: Phil Hansford)
Dreams are a door to the subconscious which can be used for psychological and
spiritual insight, and sometimes for precognition. Dream content is influenced
by external sounds and sensations. For example, a loud external noise (such as
a train) will likely appear in your dream (if it doesn't wake you up!). Dreams
are also influenced by events of the previous day, by your moods, and by
suggestion. Everyone normally dreams 4 or 5 times a night (about every 2
hours). The longest dreams occur in the morning. Everyone dreams. You are more
likely to remember the details of your dream when you first wake up. By keeping
a dream diary you will improve dream recall. Have writing equipment or a tape
recorder at your bedside for this purpose; also a light which isn't too bright.
Suggest to yourself several times before you go to sleep, "I will awaken with
the knowledge of a dream." Then when you do awaken, move quietly (sometimes
just turning over drives the idea away). Remember first, then write the dream
down, and then add as many details as possible. The next day check for
objective facts and expand if you can (by remembering 'what happened before
that'). Once you start remembering your dreams in this way, it will become
easier to do so. (If you are unsuccessful at this, and *really* want to
remember your dreams, you could arrange for someone to sit by your bedside all
night long with a dim light on. Then when he sees your eyes moving back and
forth -- rapid eye movements, a sign you are dreaming -- he can wake you and
ask for a dream report.)
Dream control is one of the most important techniques. It involves becoming
aware that you are dreaming. There are several ways to do this. Oliver Fox says
to look for discrepancies in the dream to realize you are dreaming. One occult
student I know of visualized a white horse which he could ride wherever he
wished to go. After a time, when the horse appeared in his dreams it was his
cue that he was actually dreaming/projecting. Don Juan tells Castaneda to look
at his hands while he is dreaming. And even the tarot and Cabala may also be
used as dream signals. Another method is to tell yourself each night as you go
to sleep, "I can fly"; then when you do, you will know you are dreaming. Once
you know you are dreaming you can control your dream/OOBE and go anywhere you
want. Repetitive activities will also likely influence your dreams. For
example, if you are on an automobile trip and spend most of the day driving,
you will probably dream about driving. You can condition yourself to be aware
you are dreaming by doing a repetitive activity many times (walking across the
room or a particular magick ritual, for example). Then when you dream about it,
you will know you are dreaming.
(from: Thomas Fruin)
Everybody has one or more OOBE's every night, because when we dream, we go to
the astral plane. The only difference with a "real" OOBE is that the dream is
unconscious, and the dream itself is only a projection of our *own psychology*.
What we see in dreams is _not_ the astral plane, but what is in our own mind.
This brings me to a special technique, one which you can practice during the
daytime in addition to any techniques at night. You have probably observed that
many things we do during the day repeat themselves in our dreams. Well, we're
going to use this phenomenon intelligently.
The technique consists in that you have to start asking yourself during the day
if you are really awake, or are dreaming. You should do this whenever something
strange happens (just like in dreams), for example if you see a circus
procession in town, or a balloon in the sky. Each time something strange
happens, you look around intently, ask yourself if you are really awake, or are
dreaming in the astral plane. Finally you *jump* upward with the intention of
floating in the air. Of course you'll drop back to earth, but that's not the
point. You must ask yourself this question sincerely.
If you repeat this a lot during several days it will start repeating itself in
your dreams. The difference in a dream is that when you jump, you will stay
floating in the astral plane, and you will "wake up" in your dream. The dream
will suddenly disappear altogether, and you will start having an OOBE!
(from: <K3016E2@ALIJKU11.BITNET>)
There is a strong connection between dreams and OOBEs. In the type of dreams
we can catch ourselves creating quickly just before awakening we attempt to
translate knowledge gained in nonphysical reality into physical terms.
Sometimes we may find ourselves in dreamscapes with many imaginarylike
elements. In other dreams we travel to other dimensions.
A lucid dream is something like an upgrade of a typical dream. In a lucid
dream, which is often very intense and vivid, the dreamer realizes that he/she
is dreaming. It's interesting that the dream landscape seems less dreamlike as
soon as the dreamer achieves lucidity.
Then there are the OOBEs, which can be divided into OOBEs which take place in
the physical world and OOBEs that take place in nonphysical worlds. These can
be thought as upgrades of lucid dreams. The difference between OOBEs in
nonphysical worlds and lucid dreams seems to lie in the individual's subjective
perception. The lucid dreamer thinks to be in a dream and that everything is
imaginary. The individual having an OOBE is extremely cognizant that he/she is
outside of his/her physical body and knows that everything he/she experiences
is real.
I believe that the lucid dreamer is already based outside of his/her body and
doesn't realize it. So most lucid dreams are a form of OOBEs. So the lucid
dream is an effective pathway to astral travel, and many, who have learned how
to leave their bodies, started by learning how to induce lucid dreams and how
to convert a lucid dream into an OOBE.
Some people claim that the OOBE is simply a form of lucid dreams, which they
hold for a dream having no objective reality. This is a way to stay within the
bounds of the materialistic assumptions that still hold sway in our culture.
The ability to induce lucid dreams needs the creation of a conductive climate
of belief, the attention to your dreams, and your desire and persistence. One
obvious method for inducing lucid dreams is to give yourself the suggestion
before going to sleep that you are going to wake up within a dream and realize
that you are dreaming. Many become alert to the fact that they are in the dream
state by noticing that something strange is going on. When you are already in
bed, tell yourself to recognize something strange in your dream and realize
that you are dreaming. Then proceed to visualize a sample scenario, imagine
saying loud in your dream, "I'm dreaming | I'm in a dream | I'm outside of my
body |". Say it several times. Then allow yourself to sleep.
Paul Tholey describes a very effective technique called the "Reflection
Technique". There the individual develops a critical-reflective attitude about
his/her current state of consciousness. Tholey recommends asking yourself "Am I
dreaming or not?" at least five to ten times a day. In addition you should ask
yourself the question several times just before falling asleep. He suggests
that when asking the question you consciously reflect on what has been
happening in your immediate past.
Tholey mentions another technique, too. Concentrate on the visual pictures that
come to your mind during the hypnagogical state and try to retain lucidity. In
another of his techniques, you simply focus on your body as you are falling
asleep. When your body feels immobile, imagine that you have another, movable
body you can separate from your immobile physical body. He acknowledges that
this technique can produce OOBEs.
Stephen Laberge developed an interesting technique called the "Mnemonic
Induction of Lucid Dreams". Wakeup in the morning, memorizing a dream you
have just had, and give yourself the suggestion, "Next time I'm dreaming, I
want to remember to recognize I'm dreaming|". Then visualize yourself back in
the same dream but imagine that this time you know it's a dream. Then you
repeat the suggestion, and imagining, until you are clear about what you are
trying to accomplish or until you drop of to sleep.
To convert a lucid dream into an OOBE you must realize that you are out of
body. Once you have upgraded a lucid dream, proceed to tell yourself that you
are out-of-body several times in order to intensify the focus and avoid falling
back into a lucid or normal dream state. Now you are in a nonphysical world. To
have an OOBE in the physical world, tell yourself to return to your physical
body. If you want, you can visualize your physical body as you give yourself
the suggestion. Once you succeed in getting back to your body without
awakening, you may be back in the vicinity of your body, although you may feel
no connection to the physical. You may feel as if you're floating around inside
your body.If you want to lift out, however, this is a very good moment.
4.2. Death, near-death-experiences and OOBE
(from: Damon Pike)
Many people have reported going out of their body when they have died.
Obviously, they returned to the body that was still able to live and report
their experience. These are called NDE's or Near Death Experiences. Many
people, after having an NDE have changed their ways of life. They live a more
peaceful and a much more fulfilling life understanding to some degree what is
waiting for them after death. Another kind of experience can be explained, by
some, as reincarnation. The body dies, the spirit exits and comes back in
another body.
(from: Phil Hansford)
The astral world is the "ghostland" into which one passes after death. It is
sometimes possible to visit with the dead, or you might be called upon to
reassure and assist those who have just passed over (died) or those who are
consciously projecting for the first time. Many spirits, elementals and ghosts
exist in the astral world. Tibetan belief is that through proficiency in OOBE,
you no longer need reincarnate after death. The astral world is extremely
changeable and subject to your thoughts. Your will can control your movements
in the astral world, and if you seem to be going somewhere non-volitionally
('astral current') it is probably your true will causing it anyway.
4.3. Projections
Four worlds and forms of astral projection (from: Phil Hansford)
The ancients described man as mind, body, and soul. Psychologists of the
twentieth century added the subconscious to that definition. This produces a
four-fold classification. The universe can also be divided into four
corresponding parts ('worlds'), as shown below:
World Body Quality
----- ---- -------
spiritual world spiritual body (soul or kia) intuition
mental world mental body (conscious mind) rational thought
astral world astral body (subconscious) emotions
physical world physical body physical senses
The astral body (subconscious) is the intermediary for intuition and is the
'psychic link' to the physical world. J.H. Brennan says that the astral is the
realm of visual imagination. It seems to be both a 'place' and a 'state of
mind' at the same time. Most phenomena originate in the invisible, non-sensate,
non-physical realm (ie. without physical senses). Each of the four worlds
interacts with the other worlds. Psychic energy flows from the spiritual to
mental to astral to physical. The physical world is a projection (reflection,
manifestation, or shadow) of the higher worlds. Our center of consciousness is
generally within these higher worlds. "We are", to quote the rock music group
the Police, "spirits in the material world".
There are many similar terms used by other groups. For example, 'astral light'
is another name for astral world, although it may sometimes also refer to the
entire non-physical realm, as may 'inner planes' or 'the invisible world'.
Planes are essentially the same as worlds. Vehicles or sheaths are the same as
bodies. Some groups include an etheric or vital body between physical and
astral: it is mostly 'physical' with a little of the lower 'astral' besides.
And sometimes astral and mental are each divided into two parts (upper and
lower). The 'causal body' is the upper 'mental'.
Astral projection may be subdivided into three basic types: mental projection,
astral projection (proper) and etheric projection. And your OOBE may shift
between them. Mental projection is really simple clairvoyance ('remote
viewing'), and 'traveling in your mind'. Imagination plays a key role. The
experience of mental projection is not particularly vivid, and you will more
likely be an observer than a participant. Nevertheless, mental projection is an
important 'way in' to astral projection proper.
The difference between "Ether-" and "Astral-projections"
(from: Josef Puhringer)
According to old traditions the individual can be split into several bodies
a) The physical body: Everyone knows it. It's build up with physical matter.
b) The Ether-body: It gives the physical body its shape and stability. You'll
lose this body sometime after the physical death. (A second death). Its
shape is always equal to that of the physical body, but the ether-body
will never lose an arm, a finger,... (It is always complete -- all life
long!). Phantom-limb-pains are a consequence of this.
c) The Astral-Body: Is totally different. It has a "basic"-shape not equal to
that of the ether-body but you can change this form into whatever you wish
only by thinking to do so.
d) "Higher" Mental-Body/ies: Sometimes called the "self". Robert Monroe
mentioned in "Far Journeys" that he made journeys without any body (!). He
was just what may be called pure consciousness and left back a "second"
non-physical body.
All these bodies (except the physical) are built with non-physical "finer"
matter/energy and so no one can measure anything with conventional measuring
instruments. Especially the "astral-matter" has laws not comparable to that
known in physics. Thoughts create forms not hands! Before saying anything about
non-physical matter scientists should think over this. Dreams also take place
in the astral-sphere. (Remark: Dr. Duncan McDougall determined the weight of
the ether-body to be 60 - 75 grams (2.1 - 2.6 oz.). It was measured by
weighting people when they were dying. A human being for some reason or another
lightens those 60 - 75 grams shortly after his death.)
4.3.1. Ether-projections
The ether-body and all the other bodies leave the physical. It's important for
the separating process that you can't move your physical body, because the
ether-body is primarily responsible for the physical motions. (Remember stories
about people which are paralyzed without having any physical defects!). So all
methods which make the body immovable can be used.
You can go where ever you wish BUT you'll always stay in the physical universe
and you may feel the little weight of the ether-body. Maybe you feel or see the
astral-cord (a.k.a. the silver cord) which connects the ether and physical
body. A little part of the of the ether-body remains in the physical and is
linked with the rest of the ether-body by the astral-cord. If the cord is torn
the rest of the ether-body is free and the physical body begins to dissolve.
The ether-body leaves the physical every night (and sometimes during a dream
-- then you'll find some typical dream-symbols) to get fresh non-physical
4.3.2. Astral-projections
The astral-body and (all) the mental-body/ies go away and the physical and the
whole ether-body stay back.
To get an "astral-projection" you must just relax your body and you have an
ether-projection and then "set your astral-body free". (Someone mentioned in
this group having an OOBE within an OOBE -- that's the explanation!)
Your dreams also happen in the astral-plane but all things are created by you.
(That's the reason why dream-interpretations work).
4.3.3. Mental-projections
Your (higher) "mental"-body/ies are "set free". This requires an (what may be
called) higher spiritual development. So this will not happen very often and
reported. Monroe is probably one of those people. He visited worlds of "pure
light and love".
The way to do this: Never stop developing your mind! (This could last many
years.) Never say you are at the top of your development. (That's very hard
as you know).
4.3.4. Summary (from: Phil Hansford)
During mental projection and astral projection you are able to travel through
solid objects, but are not able to act directly upon them or to move them (if
they are in the physical world). This is not true during etheric projection.
Whether it is simply subconscious expectation, or whether it is a true etheric
projection which in theory means that part of your physical body has been
relocated with your projection (the etheric or vital part) may be difficult to
determine. Etheric projections generally travel at or very near the physical
world. There are even cases reported (very, very rare ones) in which the entire
physical body is transferred to another location (teleportation), or cases in
which the physical body exists and acts in two separate places at once
But our primary interest is astral projection proper, and mental projection to
a lesser extent. Astral and mental projection are not confined to the physical
world. Travel in the mental and astral realms is feasible, and often preferred.
Nor are astral and mental projection restricted to the realm of the earth (you
could even go to the moon and planets).
4.4. States of consciousness (from: Phil Hansford)
The electrical activity of the brain has been observed and classified with EEG
(electroencephalograph) equipment; signals picked up from the scalp by
electrodes, then filtered and amplified, drive a graph recorder. Brain activity
has been found to produce specific ranges for certain basic states of
consciousness, as indicated in 'Hz' (Hertz, or cycles/vibrations per second):
delta -- 0.2 to 3.5 Hz (deep sleep, trance state)
theta -- 3.5 to 7.5 Hz (day dreaming, memory)
alpha -- 7.5 to 13 Hz (tranquility, heightened awareness, meditation)
beta -- 13 to 28 Hz (tension, 'normal' consciousness)
As you can see, some form of physical relaxation is implied in the alpha,
theta, and delta consciousness. These states are in fact reached through deep
breathing, hypnosis, and other relaxation techniques. OOBE occurs during these
states, and delta is probably the most important for it. The problem is really,
as we have said, one of maintaining mental awareness and alertness while
experiencing these altered states. Experimental subjects hooked to an EEG do
not show a discrete change from drowsy to sleep; it is very gradual.
At the threshold between sleep and waking consciousness is a drowsy condition
known as the hypnogogic state. OOBE seems to occur during this state, or a
variant of it. By careful control of the hypnogogic state (not going beyond it)
it is possible to enter OOBE directly.
4.5. The effects of electromagnetic fields (from: Bruce D. Davis)
Robert Monroe gives actual stats about his own personal success rates when
aligned north/south as well as when *not* aligned this way. From his numbers
and from my own personal experience, I believe it makes a difference. There are
electromagnetic forces which affect all living matter on earth -- they *run*
north/south. There are also powerful electromagnetic vortices at 19.5 degrees
north or south and at the points of an imaginary tetrahedron inside each
planetary sphere -- some effects would be noted when one is near one of these
verticular energy sources. For info on this newly discovered phenomenon, check
out "Robert Hoagland's Mars" a videotape of his presentation to thousands of
scientists and engineers at NASA's Lewis Center.
In the literature, references are made regarding the interference of the body/
earth electromagnetic interaction due to metal touching the skin. This has been
confirmed in my own experience -- I'd say to avoid *any* influence which might
distort the earth's electromagnetic field, e.g., large power generators/
high-power transmission lines, devices which generate significant EMFs (tv's,
electric blankets, etc) while attempting to go OOB. Remove all metal touching
the skin (e.g., jewelry), and lie under blankets with the body aligned on a
north/south axis (head toward magnetic north).
Magnetic fields and brain function (from: 'In Cognito')
It has been shown by Persinger (Michael Persinger: "Neuropsychological Bases of
God Beliefs", 1987) that the levels of the earth's geomagnetic fields are
correlated with the incidence of reported PSI phenomena. Persinger has done a
fair amount of research on the temporal lobes and their associated phenomena.
The temporal lobes are on either side of the brain, basically near the temples.
There is activity in the brain of a living person -- even when that person is
asleep or meditating or OOBE. It appears that the temporal lobes are the center
for significant activity during OOBE's. Interestingly, distinctive activity
patterns also show up in the temporal lobe when a person has a "God
experience", and they may be correlated with reports of UFO sightings as well.
So, when a person is OOB their physical body/ brain still seems to be actively
running the show... ie it doesn't go blank while some remote, ethereal brain
somewhere takes over for it...
As for the importance of magnetic fields: the brain generates magnetic fields,
and possibly picks up and processes external magnetic fields. I am speculating
on the latter processes: I have seen no research on these mechanisms, but am
interested in whether they exist and what they might be. (Other than
Persinger's research on geomagnetic effects -- which doesn't address the
questions of brain mechanisms for detecting external fields.) But we *do* know
that the brain generates discernable patterns of magnetic fields -- it is these
fields that are measured by SQUIDs (Super-conducting Quantum Interference
Devices.) The fields travel through the air and are detected by the instrument,
without actually contacting the head.
(from: Todd Francis Brown)
I have been studying various methods for inducing the OOBE which use various
modalities. Having read Michael Hutchison's book "MegaBrain" some years ago, I
set out to learn more about the various tools for enhancing consciousness.
Electromagnetism is certainly one of the most interesting. There is a device
called the Graham Potenitializer that I have had the opportunity to try out. It
is a motorized bed with gently moves the body in a 360 degree arc. You lie down
and the bed moves around in a circle if you look down from head to toe... It
doesn't "spin" but rocks you in a complete circle. When you relax and close
your eyes, the effect is that you are weightless. It also passes you through a
very strong magnetic field set to the Schumann Frequency or others.
The Schumann Frequency (=7.83 Hz) can be imposed on the brain wave by an
external magnetic field along with other modalities like Light, Sound, Motion
and Electromagnetism. These comprise what is now being called brain machines of
which I own several. I have used them to induce very deep meditative states
which have resulted in OOBE-like experiences, lucid dreams, awakened states,
etc. The Schumman Frequency is particularly interesting because it lies on the
border of theta and alpha brain wave activity. It is also associated with lucid
dreaming. This frequency is also the earth's natural ambient frequency.
4.6. "Has the reality of OOBE been verified officially?"
You can check out Robert Monroe's book "Journeys Out of the Body". He did
indeed try some experiments with some limited success. He also did "unofficial"
experiments (i.e. without controls) that established the reality of the OOBE
state to his satisfaction. Your mileage may vary...
"How can you be sure that what you are experiencing isn't simply a dream?"
(from: Bruce D. Davis)
First, because one can verify the findings! For example: let's say I'm OOB and
I push my hand thru a floor into a confined area under the floor; and let's say
I 'feel' a nail sticking up at a particular place and in a particular
configuration. When 'back' in the real world, you could then open up that area
of the floor and verify that what you experienced while OOB was indeed
substantiated in subjective reality (this has been tested many times;
references are in the literature). In this case, there's no way you could've
known about the existence of the nail prior to feeling it while OOB. BUT, the
only way you will *know* the phenomenon IS real (ie, one is disassociating the
'Second Body' from the physical body and experiencing verifiable real world
phenomenon while OOB) is to do it many times yourself! Then and possibly only
then will you be completely sure.
And, secondly, the most common means of going OOB involves a non-sleeping state
of consciousness -- it's waking consciousness! Now, a case *could* be made that
astral projection is simply auto-hypnosis, except for the facts mentioned
above. Admittedly, more science needs to be done on OOBEs...
4.7. Misbeliefs, prejudices, problems, etc.
"I have tried for some time to achieve an OOBE without remarkable success. Am I
doing something wrong?"
As stated many time before in this FAQ, it takes time and practice and requires
an open and willing mind. The wrong attitude is to expect dramatic effects in
too short a time. Some people have the "talent", they can naturally and easily
begin OOBEing without any efforts, and some people (especially the ones with
the rational Western worldview) cannot seem to accept the idea of letting things
just happen without the demand of immediate results.
"What do you look like when you go out of body? Are you still clothed?"
(from: Jana Janicek)
If you concentrate on being clothed, you are. This is what Robert Monroe says
in his book 'Journeys Out of the Body'. You are no longer constrained to one
form; you can take any form you choose. However, if you don't concentrate on
any form whatsoever, you will simply 'default' to your normal physical form.
Most likely clothed because society has conditioned us that being naked isn't
'normal' except under certain circumstances.
"Once unrestricted by physical barriers is there anything to stop me visiting/
spying ....... ?"
According to Monroe some people may sense you and interact with you (but not
necessary realize it consciously) and reject your presence. Therefore such
actions are normally ineffective unless the target is willing. Also this motive
can be questioned because in the long run it isn't very constructive idea to
concentrate on the material world. And as someone said, your subjective mind
is more in control than your rational mind, so it's hard to make yourself to do
something so boring like espionage.
"I read something from this FAQ and I must disagree on..."
Please, post your view to alt.out-of-body. If your posting is a good one it may
as well end up here in the FAQ. ;)
4.8. Further information via Internet
Further information about lucid dreaming or meditating can be found in the
Lucid Dreaming FAQ which is posted from time to time to the 'alt.dreams'
newsgroup and the Meditation FAQ which is monthly posted to 'alt.meditation'.
Of course these newsgroups have interesting discussion, too. Subscribe now and
find out yourself!
I don't know any particular FTP site which has a separate directory for OOBE
files (if you know then please inform the rest of us). You can try, for
example, 'nic.funet.fi' ( and directory '/pub/doc/occult' but as
the name declares all the interesting text files are somewhere in the middle of
all sorts of files about magick, wicca, the Cabala etc. etc. etc. ;^)
OOBE chat on IRC
The netnews isn't the only possibility to communicate with other people. IRC
(Internet Relay Chat) which is available almost on every site makes real time
discussion possible. Consult your local computer center to get more detailed
information on IRC but here's a *very* short tutorial how to join OOBE
After you have run the IRC program you have to join a channel. In this case
the most interesting ones are #oobe and #ghostlands but you can have the whole
list with the command '/list'. Notice that all the channel names begin with
'#'. To join a channel use the command '/join #ghostlands'. If channel doesn't
exist at that moment you will create it. To leave the channel use the command
'/leave #ghostlands'.
When you're on a channel you can talk to the people who are on the same channel
just by typing something (like 'hello'). Everything you write will echo to
everybody else's screen and vice versa. To see who are on the channel just give
the command '/who *'. To quit IRC use the command '/quit'.
4.9. Unanswered asked questions
Here are some UAQs which I'd very much like to see to be answered (i.e., they
should be added to this FAQ). So, if you think you can write something about
any of these subjects (or any other) please do it and post your writing either
to me or *preferably* to alt.out-of-body newsgroup.
- "Experiences!"
- "More info about things to do during an OOBE."
- "The ethics of OOBE?"
- anything else?
5. Books on OOBE (from: 'Tarzan' and Phil Hansford)
* Arguelles, Jose, Surfers of the Zuvuya
* Asimov, Isaac, Building Blocks of the Universe
* Barham, Martha Josephine, Silver Cord (The): Lifeline to the Unobstructed
* Battersby, H.P., Man Outside Himself
* Black, David, Ekstasy: Out of the Body Experiences
* Blackmore, Susan, Beyond the Body
* Brennan, James H., Astral Doorways
* Brennan, James H., Astral Projection Workbook (The)
* Brennen, J.H., Reincarnation: Five Keys to Past Lives
* Cayce, Edgar C., Auras
* Crookall, Robert Dr., Case Book of Astral Projection: 545 - 746
* Crookall, Robert Dr., Out of the Body Experiences
* Crookall, Robert Dr., Study and Practice of Astral Projection
* Crookall, Robert Dr., Techniques of Astral Projection (The)
* Denning, Melita and Phillips, Osborn, Llewellyn Practical Guide to Astral
Projection (The)
* Editors of Time Life Books, Mysteries of the Unknown: Psychic Voyages
* Elkins, Don; Carla, Rueckert; and McCarthy, James Allen, RA Material (The):
An Ancient Astronaut Speaks
* Fox, Oliver, Astral Projection: A Record of Out-of-the-Body Experiences
* Fross, Garland H. D.D.S. Past President, American Institute of Hypnosis,
Handbook of Hypnotic Techniques
* Frost, Gavin & Yvonne, Astral Travel
* Green, Celia, Out-of-the-body Experiences
* Greenhouse, Herbert B., Astral Journeys (The)
* Harary, Keith Ph.D. and Weintraub, Pamela, Have an Out of Body Experience in
30 Days: The Free Flight Program
* Harary, Keith Ph.D. and Weintraub, Pamela, Lucid Dreams In 30 Days; The
Creative Sleep Program
* Hoff, Benjamin, Tao of Pooh (The)
* Hughes, Marilynn, Odysseys of Light, Adventures in Out of Body Travel
* John-Roger, Inner Worlds of Meditation
* Karlins, Marvin and Andrews Lewis M., Biofeedback: Turning On the Power of
Your Mind
* Leadbeater, C.W., Chakras (The)
* London, Jack, Star Rover [historical occult novel]
* Michael, Russ, Finding Your Soul Mate
* Mindell, Earl, Vitamin Bible for Your Kids
* Mitchell, Janet, Out of Body Experiences
* Monroe, Robert A., Far Journeys
* Monroe, Robert A., Journeys Out of the Body
* Moore, Patrick, Stars and Planets
* Moser, Robert E., Mental and Astral Projection
* Muldoon, Sylvan and Carrington, Heward, Projection of the Astral Body (The)
* Ophiel, Art and Practice of Astral Projection (The)
* Powell, Arthur E., Astral Body (The)
* Richards, Steve, Traveller's Guide to the Astral Plane (The)
* Rogo, Scott D., Leaving The Body: A Complete Guide to Astral Projection
* Routledge, Andreas Mavromatis and Kegan, Paul, Hypnagogia: The Unique State
of Consciousness Between Wakefulness and Sleep
* Shay, J.M., Out of the Body Consciousness
* Smith, Susy, Enigma of Out-of-the-body Travel (The)
* Sparks, Laurance, Self Hypnosis: A Conditioned Response Technique
* Stack, Rick, Out of Body Adventures: 30 Days to the Most Exciting Experience
of Your Life
* Steiger, Brad, Astral Projection
* Steiger, Brad, Mind Travelers (The)
* Stephens, Jose Ph.D. and Stevens, Lena S., Secrets of Shamanism: Tapping the
Spirit Power Within You
* Stevens, Sandra J., Being Alive Is Being Psychic
* Stockton, Bayard, Catapult: The Biography of Robert A. Monroe
* Sutphen, Dick and Taylor, Lauren Leigh, Past Life Therapy In Action
* Sutphen, Dick, Past Lives Future Loves
* Swami Bhakta Vishita, Genuine Mediumship or the Invisible Powers
* Swami Bhakta Vishita, Seership
* Talbot, Michael, Holographic Universe (The)
* Twitchell, Paul, Herbs: The Magic Healers
* Wason, Betty, Art of Vegetarian Cookery (The)
* Worrall, Ambrose A. and Olga N. with Will Oursler, Explore Your Psychic
* Yram, Practical Astral Projection
Thus endeth the FAQ.
8<-- End of Part 2 ------- Cut! ---- Cut! ---- Cut! ---- Cut! ---- Cut! ---->8
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Jouni A. Smed jounsmed@utu.fi
Department of Computer Science, University of Turku
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